How to Properly Load and Fire Artillery Shells

If you are anything like me, artillery shells are your favorite fireworks to use. You just can't beat the loud thump the shell makes when leaving the mortar, the even louder bang when the shell breaks in the air, and the amazing colors and effects that are left shimmering in the sky. To ensure maximum safety when using these pyrotechnics, I will instruct you how to use artillery shells properly.

Step 1: Secure the mortar tube. The tube is what you fire the shells out of and you want the tube to be pointing straight up to avoid any complications with the shell shooting towards trees/buildings. Once the tube is pointing straight up, you want to secure the base of the tube so that it does not tip over and shoot towards the crowd. You can secure the base by screwing it to a piece of wood or placing heavy objects like bricks on either side of the tube.

Step 2: After the tube is secure, you want to lower the shell into the tube. The shell will be labeled with writing indicating which side to point up. Make sure to follow those directions and trail the fuse out the top of the tube.

Step 3: Light the fuse and get away from the mortar quickly. You have approximately 5-10 seconds to get to safety before the shell will fire, depending on how quickly the fuse burns.

Step 4: Watch and enjoy the show.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 with multiple other shells to experience maximum satisfaction.
