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5 Classic Fireworks to Try
- Firecrackers - Firecrackers are small devices filled with flash powder that explode and create a loud Bang! They can come in strips of 16, 100, or even rolls of 16,000. These are one of the first products that people think of when you say the word "fireworks". They are a great way to celebrate the 4th of July and New Years as they provide some loud noise to let everyone in the neighborhood there is cause for celebration.
- Roman Candles - These come in long sticks of multiple sizes. They shoot out colored balls into the air along with some effects like crackling. The smaller candles you can hold in your hand, but the larger more powerful candles are not safe to hold and you should place them in a secured firing tube or ground them in sand.
- Fountains - These colorful and fun fireworks sit on the ground and emit showers of sparks and sometimes crackling effects. Fountains are one of the more family friendly fireworks as they last a long time and create colorful effects. More powerful fountains can even have aerial effects like shooting stars into the sky.
- Rockets - Rockets are always a fun product to use. They can be very large rockets or small rockets commonly referred to as bottle rockets. While they are exciting, rockets are on of the most dangerous fireworks to use. This is because rockets are self-propelled into the air and they often do not travel straight up into the air. There are many instances where they take off almost sideways, so it is imperative to stay far away from these after lighting and point the rocket away from people/houses.
- Artillery Shells - These are my personal favorite. Artillery shells are the staple of all fireworks. These are the fireworks that light up the sky with large, colorful effects to go with a loud boom. The shells are placed into a mortar tube and when lit they self-propel over 100 feet into the air and explode emitting colorful stars and effects for all to see.
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