How to Take Pictures of Fireworks
The following is an article written by Dither Ocampo, published on . If you would like to read more of Dither's work, you can do so by visiting his page here . Fireworks are truly things of beauty. Ever feel like you want to preserve the moment when they burst in the sky fully? Include the fireworks display as one of the things you want to remember on that special occasion by learning how to take good pictures of fireworks. Here's how. Scope the Site Since fireworks come and go in literally a moment, knowing where to stand and shoot in advance will get rid of the necessity of doing it when crunch time comes. Determine where the clearest shots to the sky will be, and if you can't place markers on them, try to arrive earlier than the crowd and memorize the spots. Invest in Camera Devices Nothing ruins a good fireworks shot than a shaky hand and a blurry shot. Having a tripod helps get rid of this problem altogether. Having a remote release device...